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Root Canal treatment at Marsh Lane Dental

At Marsh Lane Dental we understand that the words ‘Root Canal Treatment’ can cause anxiety and fear for most people. This is why I am dedicated to make your root canal treatment pain free, stress free and as smooth as possible.

What are root canal treatment?

Root Canal treatments are carried out when the inside of the tooth (the root or pulp) becomes infected or damaged, causing the root to be very painful and creating inflammation with the risk of severe pain and swelling.

Root Canal Treatment eliminates the cause of the pain by completely removing the diseased or damaged tissue from the tooth. The root canal is meticulously cleaned, shaped and decontaminated, before securely filling it back up with a durable, inert material. This means you can be pain free whilst keeping your original tooth.

There have been great innovations in the last few years to improve the comfort, speed and efficiency of this treatment.

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I have had many years of experience in treating patients who require root canal treatment and have completed extensive further training in Root Canal Treatment from Kings College London. This provides me to with the expertise and skills to treat a wide variety of simple to complex root canal treatments. Additionally I have several dentists who regularly refer patients to me.

At Marsh Lane Dental we are dedicated to making your journey smooth and as easy as possible. Our whole team will ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed, from our receptionists who always have a friendly chat whilst you wait, to our nurses who will be there to reassure you every step of the way. And of course, I will be there to guide you through every part of the process, including explaining all the steps of the procedure so there are no surprises. Additionally, you will be able to watch anything of your choice on Netflix during your treatment. However, many of my patients have fallen asleep during the treatment!

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Why Choose Us?

What Our Patients Say

"Amazing dental practice! Very professional and very friendly! They make you feel very comfortable and explain everything in detail and give their honest opinion and recommendations for the best results. Also if your looking for a very gentle treatment I recommend them, I ended up having a nap during my root canal because it was so relaxing!"
Sohail Amin

"Great clinic! I recently had a dental surgery with Dr Rima and I was impressed by her kindness and her caring personality and also professionalism! Thank you"
Francesca Mascia

Your root canal treatment journey

Initial Consultation/Assessment

The first step in your root canal treatment journey at Marsh Lane Dental is an initial consultation. At this appointment we will discuss any concerns you may have or, if you were referred to us by your usual dentist, why you were referred. We will also begin an Endodontic assessment which allows us to give you a diagnosis and prognosis on saving your tooth/teeth.

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Treatment Planning

Following the Initial Consultation/Assessment we will discuss our findings with you and the options available to you. We will also provide you with a price estimate and an idea of length of treatment.


As treatment is bespoke to each patient there is no fixed number of appointments. However, a typical course of treatment will normally take place over two visits per tooth. The treatment is entirely dependent upon how complex your clinical situation is. Once the endodontic treatment is complete, the tooth will be filled. If you have been referred to Marsh Lane Dental at this point you will be discharged back to usual dentist.

Book Your Appointment Today

Don’t let root canal pain or infection hold you back! Call us now or book online to schedule your consultation with one of North London’s top root canal Experts. We’re here to save your smile and keep you comfortable every step of the way.

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Root Canal Treatment FAQs

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal treatments are carried out when the inside of the tooth (the root or pulp) becomes infected or damaged.

Infection and damage to the root can be very painful, creating inflammation with the risk of severe pain and swelling. Root Canal Treatment eliminates the cause of the pain by completely removing the diseased or damaged tissue from the tooth. The root canal is meticulously cleaned, shaped and decontaminated, before securely filling it back up with a durable, inert material. This means you can be pain free whilst keeping your original tooth.

There have been great innovations in the last few years to improve the comfort, speed and efficiency of this treatment. Our dentists are experienced, highly skilled and keep up-to-date with the most current concepts in Root Canal Treatment to ensure that they deliver the best possible care for our patients.

What are the alternatives?

It may be necessary to extract the tooth and replace it with a removable denture or a fixed solution such as a bridge or implant.

Replacing it may not always be possible and will possibly cost more than keeping your own tooth that is naturally ‘anchored’ in your jaw

.If the tooth is not replaced, problems may occur such as tipping of the adjacent teeth and over-eruption of the opposite tooth, regulating in gaps opening between teeth and possible bite problems.

What happens during the treatment?

If you need a local anaesthetic, we will give it to you a few minutes before the procedure, to give it time to work. It may not be required if the tooth is completely dead.We use a microscope to identify and create a hole in the top of your tooth and remove the dead or diseased pulp.

We then clean out the root canals, this can take more than one visit. If more than one visit is required, we will put a temporary filling in your tooth to keep it sealed until you go back for the next stage of your treatment.

If a second visit is needed, we will remove the temporary filling and continue with the cleaning process. We then seal your tooth to prevent infection and further damage. If there is a risk that your tooth may become damaged or broken it may be suggested to have a crown fitted. This is an artificial cap that fits over your tooth and acts as ‘armour plating’ for the tooth.

What is the success rate?

For teeth which have not been previously root treated, the success rate depends on how many root canals are in the tooth, the severity of the infection and the skill of the dentist. A front tooth usually has only one or two canals and success rates of 95% are likely.

Root canal treatment on molar teeth is much more complex than on front teeth as they have multiple, often curved root canals and access to do the treatment is more difficult. Teeth which have been previously root treated are also much more difficult to re-treat.

In more difficult cases, such as molar teeth it is recommend that you see a specialist in root canal who has the skills and much more experience in treating difficult situations and will most certainly make the treatment easier for you and give a higher success rate.

If you require further information on your root canal treatment please do not hesitate to contact us.

What Our Customers Say


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95 Marsh Lane
Greater London

020 4538 5830
