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9,878+ Customers we have served
40+ Years of Combined Expertise
99% Of our clients recommend us
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Google Review
9,878+ Customers we have served
40+ Years of Combined Expertise
99% Of our clients recommend us

Our Team

The Team at Marsh Lane Dental are the fabric of our clinic. We have a team of EXPERT Dentists and Hygienists all supported by the lovely reception, nurses and practice coordinators.
Meet our team below, become familiar with the smiling faces you will see around the clinic. There are some fun facts about each person so feel free to learn about the people behind Marsh Lane Dental and get to know the Experts who will be caring for your smile!

Meet our Mill Hill Team

Dental Wellness Mill Hill Logo
Dr Jay (Purvil) Doshi

BDS (Lond) 2015, MFDS RCPS(Glasg) 2018

Principal Dentist & Implant Surgeon

GDC Number: 258544

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Dr Rima Doshi

BDS Hons (Lond) 2013, MJDF RCS (Eng) 2016, PG Dip Endo (KCL) 2020

Principal Dentist & Root Canal Expert

GDC Number: 244396

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Dr Daniel Rabinowitz

BDS (Manc), PGDip Endodontics

Root Canal Expert

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Dr Nazia Din

BDS, MFDS, RCPS (Glasg) MBBS MSc Dist (UoK) BDS & MBBS (KCLond)

Dentist with a Special Interest in Oral Surgery

GDC Number: 244138

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Dr. Victor Gehani

BDS, MFDS RCS (Eng), MFGDP(UK, DPDS (Bristol), PGCert (Dental Education), PGCert Restorative Dental Practice (UCL), MSc Implant Dentistry (Warwick)

Implant Surgeon

GDC Number: 81565

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Dr Anisha Panchal


Lead General Dentist

GDC Number: 278283

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Dr Mira De Silva


Hygiene and therapy practitioner

GDC Number: 178067

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Dr. Rabia Zehra Raza

BDS (Bristol) MFDS, PG CERT Oral Surgery

Senior General Dentist - Expert In Gum Treatments


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Dr Nihir Shah

BDS (Bristol) 2018, MFDS RCS (Ed)

General Dentist | Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry

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Snigdha Gautam

BDS, Kathmandu University

Dental Hygienist Therapist

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Zahra Algebory

Hygiene Therapist and Facial Aesthetician

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Hina Zafer

BSc Dental Hygiene and Therapy

Advanced Periodontal Practitioner

GDC Number: 201855

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Laura Hadi

Patient Coordinator/Practice Manager

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Invisalign Teeth Straightening

If you are interested in discreet teeth straightening, we offer the Invisalign Clear Aligner. The Invisalign aligner system straightens teeth using a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that are custom-made specifically for your teeth. Invisalign offers many benefits that regular teeth straightening can’t.

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Invisalign Braces Image

Root Canal Treatments

Root Canal Treatment eliminates the cause of pain when a tooth root or pulp becomes infected by completely removing the diseased or damaged tissue from the tooth. The root canal is meticulously cleaned, shaped and decontaminated, before securely filling it back up with a durable, inert material. This means you can be pain free whilst keeping your original tooth.

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Greater London

020 4538 5830
