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June 14, 2024

At Marsh Lane Dental we see a lot of tooth decay. So, we had a chat with Dr Nihir about what causes tooth decay, how we can prevent tooth decay and ultimately what we need to do to make sure that we can treat it quickly and painlessly.

At Marsh Lane Dental we see a lot of tooth decay. So, we had a chat with Dr Nihir about what causes tooth decay, how we can prevent tooth decay and ultimately what we need to do to make sure that we can treat it quickly and painlessly.

So below is out Q&A with Dr Nihir Shah about tooth Decay:

Q: Before we start can we have a quick into about you Dr Nihir

A: Hello all, I’m Dr Nihir. I’m one of the general and cosmetic dentists at Marsh Lane Dental. I have been here for around a year now and really settled in well. I spend a lot of my time looking after a wide range of patients with many problems but one of my most common issues I deal with is tooth decay.

Q: So, what is Tooth Decay?

A: Tooth Decay is the process by which bacteria and acid damage the tooth and eat away the enamel shell and eventually infect the nerve of the tooth.

It all starts with plaque which builds up on the teeth. This allows bacteria to build up. The acids and bacteria combine to attack the minerals of the teeth and slowly cause cavities or holes in the teeth.

Over time the bacteria enter the tooth and will travel towards the centre of the tooth where the nerve lies!

Q: How will I know if I have decay?

A: The symptoms of tooth decay are very broad. I have lots of patients that have no idea at all.

They come to me for a check-up, and on my x-rays, I can see that there are cavities forming. At the early stages sometimes, there are no signs at all. This can be positive as usually it’s easy to treat.

The other signs are tooth ache, sensitivity, sensations when having hot or cold food or drinks. When it gets worse you can notice black or brown holes in the teeth. Eventually you will end up with severe tooth ache.

All the above are usually caused by decay!!

Q: When should someone come to see you if they think they have decay?

A: With decay you may not even know if you have any! If you are experiencing the symptoms, such as toothache, sensitive teeth, pain on biting or noticing a hole then come and see me right away! The earlier the better as I can advise on how best to manage it.

I am a strong advocate of regular check-ups; I take x-rays of the teeth regularly and this is to check for decay. A big part of my job is to make sure I catch things early and give you the advice and tools to prevent decay. My regular check-up appointments I am always on the lookout for tooth decay.

Q: What are the biggest causes of tooth decay?

A: There are many causes of tooth decay. The biggest one in my opinion is snacking! Having small but frequent bursts of snacks (which usually contain sugar) is the worst thing you can do for tooth decay.

Other common causes of tooth decay are a High Sugar diet especially fizzy drinks.

Brushing or lack of, is usually another cause. Those who do not keep to the 2x a day brushing is at higher risk of tooth decay.

Other people who have dry mouth, or medical conditions such and gastric reflux and heartburn can also be at increased risk of tooth decay.

Q: How can you treat decay?

A: Tooth decay can be treated in a few ways- it really depends on how bad it is.

  1. Occasionally you will have very mild tooth decay and I may suggest using a high fluoride toothpaste and having some fluoride applications to try and reverse the tooth decay. Fluoride is a special mineral that can help reverse the effects of tooth decay.
  2. Often, we have to carry out a filling. I generally use the cosmetic white fillings that look natural. I avoid the black fillings! We remove the decayed area of the tooth and rebuild it with a filling. This is generally straight forward, and you should have virtually no pain or problems with this treatment.
  3. Some cases can be tricky, and if the nerve has been affected then we may need to carry out a root canal. These patients I generally work closely with Dr Rima our root canal dentist who will manage that part of the treatment.
  4. Finally, for those teeth that are too far gone, sadly we occasionally must carry out an extraction. This is my last resort, but it does happen. When left for too long, sometimes there is no choice but to remove the affected teeth.

Q: What are the best ways to prevent tooth decay?

A: I will give you a few top tips to prevent tooth decay

  1. Brush 2x a day and reduce sugar in your diet.
  2. Have regular check-ups and x-rays. Catch the problems early and the treatment is much easier!
  3. See our hygienist, they keep everything clean and tidy, and it means decay can be prevented much more easily.
  4. Use a fluoride toothpaste, the prescription one I give to my patients that require it is fantastic at preventing decay.
  5. Get fissure sealants with Dr Mira- our kids’ dentist- when you are young. This seals the teeth and prevents the decay getting in.

That’s 5 of the top tips for preventing decay!

If you are worried about tooth decay or any other dental concern, then just book online or call one of the team to have a check up to ensure that you no dental problems. We always recommended letting us have a look nice and early, so we can prevent or catch any issues early.

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